Gravitational Wave Treasure Map

Welcome! The Treasure Map is designed to help coordinate electromagnetic followup of gravitational-wave (GW) events. It allows observers to easily report their planned and executed observations in search of counterparts to GW events, and to query the reports of other observers, in a programatic way. The goal is to enable coordination between observatories in order to minimize unnecessary overlap in these searches, and find the counterpart as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Please register for an account, so that you can programatically query the Treasure Map. For more details on how to use the Treasure Map see our User Guide.

Please direct any general inqueries to Iair Arcavi. If you use the Treasure Map in your research, please cite the Treasure Map paper in addition to the circulars and/or papers of the teams whose pointing information you use.

  • Visualize GW alert contours

  • Submit your follow-up pointings

  • Collaborate with the counterpart search community

  • Analyze follow-up

Explore all GW alerts here

Register a new account

Once registered and verified, you may begin interacting with the Treasure Map API and begin assisting the community's search for GW counterparts

Submit your follow-up instruments

If you are planning to follow-up gravitational wave alerts, we urge you to submit your instrument footprint to our database, so that you can let the community know about your GW follow-up efforts

Integrate our API

Our API has endpoints for querying and posting telescope pointings for every GW event. The more users that at least submit their planned/completed observing strategies can lead to more and quicker discoveries!